Living Christ’s Story by being welcoming, accepting and involving.

We believe that the Good News of the Christian gospel is that every person has intrinsic worth and is accepted and loved by God. Everyone who comes through our doors should know that we are pleased to see them and that they are welcome to be part of our Church family irrespective of age, background, circumstance, race, gender, sexuality, disability or neurotypicality. When we say “all are welcome”, we mean it.

Living Christ’s Story by being accessible

Our buildings are old and beautiful, but sometimes this means that they are not as physically accessible as we would like. We are working to try to improve this and our buildings are in different places regarding our progress. We would like to be accessible to those with mobility issues, hearing loss, visual impairment, people with mental health conditions and those on the autistic spectrum, and we aim to be both dementia-friendly, and young children-friendly Churches. In our communion services we aim to offer gluten free bread and alcohol-free wine if that would be helpful. Please let us know if we are not meeting your needs and we will do what we can to help.

Living Christ’s Story by being a safe place

Our Churches take seriously our duty to ensure everyone is safe in our community and we follow our safeguarding policy carefully. We recognise that keeping people safe is something the wider Church has sometimes failed to achieve, and we are truly sorry for that. Sometimes these failures have been of a catastrophic nature – sometimes they have been of a quieter, but also damaging nature, where people have simply not felt wanted in Church. We commit to doing everything we can to ensure that Church is a safe, non-judgemental and friendly place for you, where you can thrive, grow spiritually and play a full part in the Church’s life

Living Christ’s Story by celebrating difference

A healthy church is somewhere where everyone doesn’t look the same! Just like a family, we all have different gifts and abilities and things to offer. We don’t want you to feel you have to pretend to be someone you’re not. Jesus talked about the Church as being like a body that is made up of lots of different, but complementary, parts. Difference is good, something to be celebrated, and something that helps us all to grow.

We hope you will find us somewhere you would like to belong.